LeiYu (jiangsu) electrical technology co., LTD to welcome you! Phone: 86(514)86601402
Wuhan branch of China Electric Power Research Institute
Shandong AE1500KV4A
Ping Gao group 7200kVA1800kV
Hunan Power Co 3200kVA800kV
State Grid Wu Gao Yuan 12000kVA2000kV
Run in the State Grid Wu high court 1200kV4A
1500kV8A of Xinjiang Electric Group Co., Ltd.
Guangxi pilot Institute 3600KV360KJ
Exports to Sweden 900kVA1200kVSF6
Export Hitachi headquarters 1800KV180KJ
Alston Shanghai research and Development Center
Chongqing Electric Power University 2000kVA500kV
230kV15A temperature rise test of frequency modulation react
100kA impulse current test of Shaanxi Electric Power Researc
Outdoor field load test for one year
Anti explosion energy test device for capacitor case of Stat
A variety of waveform impact current devices in Guangxi Univ
ABB1200kV3A test facility for export to India
700kV9A FM series device
1000kV1A UHV polluted DC
Shandong Tai Kai Transformer Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Transformer Research Institute
+ 1200kV500mA UHVDC voltage generator
Impulse current test device exported to Iran
Langfang Toshiba experiment
Tsinghua University 800KV25mA DC generator
India Areva acceptance transformer
350kV20A products perform temperature rise tests inside the
Installed in Alston no halo power frequency test transformer
Switch inductance capacitance test at West High Court switch
Guangxi Pingguo training base
UHV reactor in Three Gorges test site
Shenyang transformer test
Anhui electric power test and Research Institute
Won the three prize of Shanghai science and technology progr
Guangxi University's waveform impact current A